No reports about Springfest's music here, but this account from Dancin' Dave gives a flavor of festival life. Thanks, Dave.
Every year that my buddy Ralph comes to the Suwannee Springfest both as a customer and a friend we manage to come up with a what we consider a damned clever saying that fits the festival occasion. We don't get to do this when we get together for Greyfox in July probably for the simple reason that we don't get to spend as much time together which keeps the saying stimulation process at a much lower level.....
Anyhow, this past weekend the saying was "Pay No Attention To The Camera". This piece of brilliancy came about from a "boys will be boys" kind of perspective. A female friend of mine was about to use my camp shower setup and while she went off to get her shower essentials it gave just enough time for some "boys will be..." foolishness-type-talk to come about from the three of us men who are always in the mood for festival foolishness anyway. In a fit of good taste I won't get into too much detail, but the most fun part of our little theater was when I looked over and noticed that Ralph had his camera on a tripod plugged into the extension cord that I had running to my tent, which was very near the shower setup.....and the camera was pointed right at the shower.
Ralph immediately capped off the foolishness by declaring (just as Gae was returning with her stuff): "And pay no mind to the camera....!" We all burst into even heavier laughter and the festival saying was born.
So-----we totally blew the chance of an opportunity that presented itself the very next morning. I had gone down to the Main Stage to set up chairs for the day and on the way I came across a very well-used, very elaborate glass pipe lying in the grass next to a tree. I brought it back to camp and almost immediately knew what to do: I put the pipe out next to the road and we started a vigil to see who would come by and pick it up. Trouble was that I had (while being very carefull to not be watched by any of the law officers roaming around while I was planting...) dropped it into some taller grass and it wasn't getting noticed. So---I kicked the pipe onto the black-top road, making it much easier to see, and retreated back again to camp.
And sure the first person approached Ralph called out: "We may have some action already...", and the young fellow never broke his stride while he scooped up his prize; he was that smooth.
It was after this happened and we were already winding down the chuckling and guffawing that I thought that a "Pay No Attention to the Camera" sign would have been perfect for that situation......
Peace, David
Oh----similar situation, same location. A few years ago a well-meaning customer left me 5 cans of Miller Lite when they left after the festival was over. I had no reason to keep these so I set them out on a park sawhorse that they used for traffic control. And, it took forever for those to disappear! There were alot of folks that did look at the cans sitting there in the sun all alone while walking by and lots of them even looked twice.....I felt alot like Alan Funt on that day.