Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Austin's Claritin couple

Here's one I got from the local alternative weekly, The Austin Chronicle, which answered a question that I've been wanting to look into for awhile: How did Austin musicial spouses Bruce Robison and Kelly Willis come to be the spokespeople in a national television ad campaign for an anti-allergy medication?

In the Chronicle's Q&A with Robison, he said the whole thing happened very quickly. The ad agency had the spot scripted and needed the right talent. Someone at the agency knew about Robison and Willis, and thought they would be right for the ad. They were contacted through their manager. Everything was ready to go, and the musicians just had to go in for the shoot.

For Robison and Willis, aside from whatever fee they earned, the commercials also raised the artists' profiles at a time when they have new record releases. Very savvy.

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